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Chemical plant ventilation and cooling case 2

Chemical plant ventilation and cooling case 2

Industry overview

Summer is hot and the temperature is high. Inflammable, explosive and volatile raw materials volatilize faster in chemical production areas, and can easily reach their ignition point and explosion limits in places with relatively high concentrations. Chemical, plastic and other production workshops produce toxic gases and odors during the production process. It can easily irritate people's eyes and respiratory tract, cause eye and respiratory system diseases, and endanger human health.

Project Overview

This project is in two workshops with an area of more than 10,000 square meters. There are  concentrated fine sand and plastic bottle sorting equipment. These equipments will generate large amounts of heat and noise. The air circulation is poor and the oxygen content is low, which will make the workshop long-term in a harsh environment with high temperatures above 38-42℃. In summer, workshop workers are often sweaty and shirtless, which seriously affects the image of the workshop, work efficiency and product quality.

The workshop adopts a local comprehensive cooling mode. The air cooler  is installed on one side of the workshop. Galvanized pipes are used to obtain long-distance air supply. Each air outlet adopts the air supply form on the left and right sides and the bottom. The wind speed at the air outlet of the fine sand workshop is about 2.0m/s, while the wind speed at the air outlet of the plastic bottle sorting workshop is about 4.0m/s. After using our products, fresh air is added, which effectively solves the problems of high temperature, workshop humidification and odor in the workshop, improves the working environment of workers, increases the oxygen content in the workshop, the work efficiency of production workers and product quality, and also improves the workshop in summer. The average temperature of inside local workplaces is maintained at around 32-34°C.