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Sports equipment warehouse ventilation and cooling case

Industry overview

The temperature rises in summer, and the ventilation and air permeability inside the warehouse is poor. There are many shelves and in higher, and few people, The sports equipment on the shelves is complex. These sports equipment to be easily deformed  may cause the stored , aged or damaged by heat, under long-term high temperature environment , and plastic products are also easily volatile and toxic, and gas is harmful to human health.

Project Overview

This project is located in Minhou County, Fuzhou City. The entire warehouse is a concrete structure. The warehouse is 90m length and 36m width. There are a large number of shelves and few people. Due to the closed warehouse, the air is not circulated, the air is turbid and dusty.

The 2nd floor install 9 unit of AOLAN air coolers on one side to supply fresh air and cool down areas, and 4unit extract fans on the opposite side for exhaust. The results are good at the moment since the workshop does not generate much heat.

The 3rd  Floor install 10 unit of Aolan air coolers on two sides to supply fresh air for cooling in some areas, and 4unit extract fans on another two sides for exhaust. Since the worker are distributed in the workshop both side, Currently, 5unit of air coolers correspond to 2 unit of extract fans in a group, and a total of 2 groups are installed, which basically improved the problem of stuffy heat in summer.