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Professor Wang Ruzhu of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and his delegation came to Aolan for visit and guidance


On August 16, Professor Wang Ruzhu, Yangtze River Scholar, Professor of Mechanical and Power Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Vice Chairman of the Refrigeration Equipment Committee and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Refrigeration Society, and his delegation came to Aolan for visit and guidance. Aolan Chairman Huang Hualing, Assistant to the chairman, An Xiaolin, Chief Engineer He Huaming and Pre-sales Director Lin Rongjiao accompanied the reception and gave an on-site introduction.


Professor Wang Ruzhu and his delegation visited the Aolan exhibition hall. During the visit, Professor Wang Ruzhu was very interested in Aolan’s independently developed series of products such as wet curtain, wet film humidifiers and indirect cores. He inquired in detail about the working principle, materials, functions, application scenarios and other relevant information of the product, and conducted a water immersion test on the Aolan fireproof wet curtain on site. Then Professor Wang Ruzhu and his delegation visited the Aolan laboratory, and finally they went to the conference room for in-depth exchanges.


Chairman Huang expressed his warm welcome and sincere thanks to Professor Wang Ruzhu and his delegation for their visit. He said that Aolan has been working in the field of evaporative cooling for nearly 20 years, independently developed nearly 100 products, has more than 100 invention patents, drafted and formulated more than 20 national and industry standards such as "Evaporative Air Conditioner", and had become a leading enterprise in the field of evaporative cooling. Aolan's fireproof wet films have solved technical problems and successfully achieved import substitution, effectively reducing dependence on imported products. This exchange can help Aolan learn from Professor Wang Ruzhu’s professional knowledge and experience in the field of refrigeration to further optimize Aolan’s product design and technological innovation.


Professor Wang Ruzhu spoke highly of Aolan’s technological innovation and products. He said that in the current fiercely competitive market environment, providing more cost-effective products is the key to the sustainable development of enterprise. Aolan's fireproof wet curtains not only have excellent performance and safety guarantee, but also have an advantage in price, providing customers with more economical and affordable options. Such product positioning not only helps meet customer needs, but also promotes the development and progress of the entire cooling industry. In the future, Shanghai Jiao Tong University will continue to maintain close contact with Aolan, further strengthen cooperation, and jointly explore the development prospects and innovation directions in the refrigeration field.

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